We had an amazing day on Saturday. We took the kids to the Please Touch Museum for neighborhood toy store day http://www.neighborhoodtoystoreday.com/. The event was organized by Debbie at http://www.mamanista.com/ & http://www.bloganthropy.org/. It was amazing!
I had taken Faith to the museum several years ago, before they moved to the new location. But, the new location at Memorial Hall is unbelievable. The building is just breath taking and the model of the original fair grounds was fascinating. There is so much more room and the exhibits are so much fun for the kids.
We spent well over 4 hours playing and learning. Even the baby was entertained by the visual displays throughout the museum. Faith and Rocky were particularly fond of the Wonderland exhibit. It was like stepping into the story!
The kids became story book characters, train conductors, doctors, construction workers, chefs, mailmen, astronauts, bus drivers and mechanics. Their imaginations were running wild. They rode on the carousel and learned about history.
The museum was definitely a big hit and I can't wait to go back when Gavin is more able to interact with the exhibits.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wonderful Weekend in Wonderland!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 11:13 AM 6 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
To Be Continued...
Monday morning I was a nervous wreck. I had a custody hearing at 9am and, although I knew my case was strong, the uncertainty was driving me insane.
You can read about my story here. It has been a very difficult and confusing time for my family.
We only had time to address the issue with Faith. The judge removed all of his overnight and weekend visits with her and is allowing him one day per week for dinner. This is a huge relief because she has been going through a lot of emotional abuse from him. He has called her fat and ugly. Him and his girlfriend punish her for lying when she is telling the truth. They try to force her to answer questions with what they want to hear and if she doesn't tell them what they want to hear she has to stay in her room all day/night. She has been very upset about going with him. The judge told him he was confusing her and not doing what is in her best interests.
Unfortunately, Rockland still has to go with him because we did not have time to address both issues in the time we were given. We go back to court in mid Dec. and I am hopeful that can be resolved as well. He has put these kids through so much.
For now I am happy to have the small victory. I am continuing to pray that the judge/courts will see through him and do what is best for the kids.
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 8:49 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
Proud Mommy
This was posted over at Band Back Together. But since I have been an emotion wreck lately (what with my custody court date coming up and all). I haven't had it together enough to post about the happenings at home.
In my previous post, What If I talked about the emotional abuse my children are going through.
I constantly fear that they will carry these scars with them. But I don’t think I have ever been more proud of my daughter than I was yesterday.
I got out of work two hours early, so I called my daughter to tell her that after her homework, we could go to the playground. She was so excited. I told her to get her school books ready and she said “Mom, I am playing right now and I REAAALLY want to finish this.”
I asked her what she was playing. She told me she was pretending to be a counselor. She’d gone to summer camp and the older kids volunteer as camp counselors. I figured that was what she meant.
So I asked, “What kind of counselor? Are you starting a camp?”
She said, “no Mommy, I am being a counselor who talks to people. That’s what I want to do when I grow up. I want to talk to kids like me so I can help them.”
It brought tears to my eyes. It made me sad that she acknowledges the scars she is going to carry but it also made me so proud that, instead of feeling sorry for herself, she wants to use her experiences to help others. At six years old, she is already thinking about how to help others instead of dwelling on her own problems.
Most kids her age play house, doctor, and teacher. She is thinking about how she can use the small amount of experiences she has had in her short life to help other people.
I am so proud of her. At age six, she is such a smart, kind, and compassionate person and I truly believe she WILL help many people in her lifetime. I am so thankful that she is learning how to help people rather that assume that abuse is okay.
I have always loved the song In My Daughter’s Eyes, but yesterday I could hear the lyrics over and over again in my head: “I see who I want to be in my daughter’s eyes.”
I only wish I could be as strong, caring and compassionate as she is.
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
And it spread like wildfire!
What a weekend! I am almost happy to be back in work. I said ALMOST!
Last Wed night/Thurs morning Faith woke up and was throwing up non stop. She went to the doctor Thurs and he said it was a small stomach virus. No food or drink for 4 hours, then only Gatorade for 2 hours, then light foods. If she got sick again, start over. He said she needed to rest her stomach and give her body a chance to fight off the virus.
By Fri she was doing pretty well. Fri evening we had dinner, watched some TV and played out back. I got Rocky ready for bed and Faith was playing with her scrapbook kit. Around 9:00 I settled down to watch CSI. about 9:15 Rocky came downstairs and said he couldn't sleep. He said his belly hurt. Well for about 2 weeks now he has said his belly hurts every time he wants another snack. So, I started to tell him no more snacks because it is bed time. Before I could finish my sentence he was projectile vomiting all over me, the sofa, and the living room. I rushed him into the kitchen and he started vomiting all over the kitchen as well. Tim had walked next door to borrow formula from my grandparents because we ran out and didn't have a chance to go to the store since Faith had been sick the past few days. I yelled for Faith to run next door and get Tim.
When Tim walked in I was striping both Rocky and myself in the kitchen so I could get him to the tub without tracking puke all over the house. As soon I got him in bathroom he started puking everywhere again. I hosed him off with the shower and got him settled in the bath while I cleaned up the bathroom. I put some clean pj's on him and got him back into bed (with a bucket on hand). Before I finished tucking him in bed he puked all over himself and his sheets. I got him back in the tub and striped his bed down. I put on his third pair on pj's and took him back downstairs.
While I was taking care of Rocky, Tim threw all of the sofa covers, clothes and bedsheets in the wash and wiped everything down with Lysol. We sent Faith to my grandparents and my parents offered to watch Gavin. Rocky sat on the recliner and watched TV from about 11:30- 3am. He threw up a few more times but I was able to get the bucket in time. Around 3am he started to fall asleep so I moved him to the sofa. He woke up gaging a few more times after that and finally fell asleep around 5am.
I was in tears with him the whole night. He was screaming and crying through the whole thing and yelling "my belly hurts make it stop." I kept telling him "I wish Mommy could take it all away. I wish I could feel it instead of you." Yea, well be careful what you wish for!
He woke up around 8 am and and said "Mommy I feel all better. My belly no hurts no more." Not even 30 seconds later I was running to the bathroom to throw up. I spent all of Sat curled up in my basement in pain. I felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed in the stomach. Tim cleaned the whole house and took care of me. Sunday morning I felt much better. But, like clock work, Tim started puking as soon as I stopped.
Around 10am Sunday morning I got a call from my mom telling me my parents and grandparents were also throwing up. Tim's mom picked up the baby (who, thank God, was not sick). I spent all of Sunday cleaning the house again and re washing EVERYTHING, while taking care of Tim. The whole time I was panicking about the baby. What if he gets this? He is only 3 months old and would most likely have to go to the hospital for dehydration. The worse was running through my head. This thing was spreading like wildfire.
I called and check on him this morning and he was still doing great. He had eaten well at every feeding, slept through the night and didn't seem to have any problems with his bowels. But, just in case, I called the doctor. The doctor was pretty sure it was the stomach flu. Apparently, the stomach flu or rota virus is the most common cause of vomiting among infants and small children.
So, I immediately googled rota virus and it said that by age 5 nearly every child in the world has been affected but rota virus at least once. The symptoms are vomiting, diarrhoea, low grade fever and body aches. In older children and adults the symptoms usually last for a few hours-about a day. It's extremely contagious, and spreads easily through ordinary person-to-person contact. Good hygiene and sanitation don't effectively stop rota virus disease. This is exactly what everyone has been experiencing and why it has spread so quickly. But, the doctor also explained to me that in 2009 pediatricians started giving infants the Rotateq vaccine at 2 months, 4 months and 6 months. Gavin had the vaccine at his 2 months check up which, most likely prevented him from getting sick. Since the rota virus vaccine was not given regularly until 2009, Faith and Rocky did not have it. I will sleep much easier now, knowing Gavin will probably not catch this horrible virus!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 12:54 PM 5 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
I Take 2 more sets of arms please....Thanks!

At this point I just gave up. Since he was already covered in mud, I hosed him off in the backyard before taking him in and cleaning him up. As I was doing this my mom called and asked if Faith and Rocky could come down to her house (she lives on my street). YES YES YES...Of course they can come down. I sent them both on their way and got a bottle ready for the baby.
He ate the entire bottle and be both passed out on the sofa. At some point during our nap Tim came home. I guess we looked really comfortable because when I woke up 3...YES 3...hours later he was laying on the other end of the sofa with the puppy curled up on his lap.
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 9:44 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Can we please freeze the kids...RIGHT NOW!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 10:32 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
The only thing I like more the 5 O'Clock is 5 O'Clock on a Friday!
AHHHHH FRIDAY how I've missed you! It feel like it has been FOREVER since I could look forward to a nice relaxing weekend. Well, as relaxing as it can be in our crazy house. The past month we have been running all over the place on the weekends. When Monday would roll around I felt like I needed a break from my weekends.
But, this weekend I have NOTHING...That's right...NOTHING to do. We have no where to be and I don't have to pack for 3 kids and try and keep them quiet in a car for 2 hours! I plan on NOT leaving my house all weekend. Maybe we will set up the bounce around out back for the kids and they can tear a part the play room since they haven't use that in quiet awhile. But, I am not going anywhere. I am not cleaning. I am not folding clothes. I refuse! I claim this weekend as my weekend to recover from the CHAOS of summer!
I think I will pick up a bottle of wine on my way home. Tonight seems like a good night to sit out back have a few glasses of wine and enjoy the nice view of my pond!
FYI~ Tim built this pond. He dug out the holes, carried every single rock and made the fountain by hand out of concrete! It is kind of hard to see in the pic but the fountain flows into a small top pond and the small pond drains into the large pond. It is so amazing and it was so cool to see the process of building it!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Finally, I have a second to breathe!
Wow, so the last couple weeks have been CRAZY! Going down the shore, Faith starting 1st grade, planning Faith's party and starting a Zumba class!
The shore was awesome. We all had a great time. But, my camera broke on the first day so I have no pictures. The kids got hermit crabs and had a blast going on rides and playing on the beach.
Faith handled her first day of school pretty well. She was a little nervous but when she came home she said she really liked school.....for now!
I ran around like a crazy person for the past week planning this birthday party. We set up the bounce around and had the kids tie dye shirts. Which, actually went pretty well. The kids looked like they had a great time so I did my job!
And, last by certainly not least, I started a Zumba class last night. It was AMAZING. I was in dance classes for 14 years. When I danced I was always in shape. Then I had kids and didn't have time to workout. I received the registration letter for Faith's dance classes and they included a flier for adult Zumba classes. So, I figured why not. Well, I'm sold! It was fun, face paced and a real work out. At the end I was sore and tired but I had a blast! Can't wait to go again on Thurs!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Love Peace & Rock Music
So, in less then a week my little girl is going to be 6! I still can't believe it. Where did the time go? Three days after her birthday she will start 1st grade. When did this happen? I can still remember the fussy little baby that never wanted to sleep. Now I have a (almost) 6 year old who never wants to sleep!
We are planing on going to the shore this weekend to celebrate her birthday. The following weekend will be her party. Apparently. peace signs and tye dye are "in" this year so she HAD to have a tye dye party. I found pretty cool tye dye themed party supplies and a tye dye cake with flowers and peace signs. We are also going to be tye dying shirts at the party. 16 kids tye dying shirts.....what am I thinking!!!!
Last night I had the kids tye dye a shirt for Tim and a dress for me to wear to the party. I also found a really cool outfit for Faith that says Love Peace & Rock Music, with a peace sign on it. It came with a skirt that in jean on top and tye dye on the bottom.
I have to say, this party theme might be the most fun to plan for. Previously we have done Care Bears, Cinderella, Tinkerbell, Hannah and Ariel. She loved the themes but this one is bright and fun for both the kids and the adults. I'm excited!
We are also trying to find the pink Disney netbook for her. She uses my laptop now to go on disney.com and pbs.com. She has an ipod that her BeBop bought for her and right now all her music is on my computer. We thought it would be really cool to get a kid friendly computer for her. The Disney netbook is made specifically for kids. It has Windows and Internet capability but it also has unique parental controls that allow parents to have complete control over what their kids can access. Right now it is sold out. I can't find it anywhere and I am hoping it is back in stock in time for her birthday. I have like 10 different email alerts from different stores to make sure I am notified as soon as it is available! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Itsy Bitsy Spider....climbed up my windshield!
So I officially had an anxiety attack on the way home from work today! I pulled out of the drive way and into loads of traffic. I had my grandmother on speaker phone. All of a sudden I see a huge spider crawling up the windshield right in front of me. If it had been on the outside that would have been enough to cause me to totally freak out (it has happen before and Tim has had to come "save" me before I would drive any further). But, NO! This big ugly spider was on the INSIDE of my car. I scream "holy shit, grandma I have to go" and hung up on her. She called me back and I answered in the midst of my hyperventilation.
Well, she too is terrified of spiders so she starts freaking out as well telling me I needed to pull over and get out of the car. I was on the verge of tears trying to explain to her that if I stopped I would be late picking up the kids. I told her I had to go so I could attempt to drive safely.
I then called Tim so he could talk me through this car ride. But, the situation escalated. The damn spider disappeared. I took my eyes off it for 2 second to look at the car in front of me and it was gone. OMG! You gotta be freaking kidding me! Now I was really freaked out. The damn thing was crawling around somewhere in my car and I had no idea where.
The 20 minute ride to pick up the kids and the 20 min ride to get home was absolutely terrifying for me! This thing could be anywhere! As I was getting off the exit for my house I called Tim and told him to be waiting outside. I had him check me and the kids to be sure it wasn't crawling on us. He then tore the car apart but the damn thing was no where to be found!
I swear, spiders hunt me down and stalk me. I have had numerous spiders hangout on my drivers side window. Which, of course meant I could not get out of the car for fear of it jumping on me. I have had several encounters with spiders in the bathroom in the middle of the night. But, never a spider right in my face while I was confined inside the car, in traffic, with nowhere to go.
To make matters worse, I think my 2 yr old son now thinks his mother is a loon! He asked me why Tim was checking him. I told him because a spider was trying to get Mommy in the car. He looked at me and said "Mommy it's just the itsy bitys spider. He no eat you." He walked right out the front door, looked back at me and said "I go get hims."
The spider has yet to be found. I just wonder how the hell I'm gonna get to work tomorrow without having a nervous breakdown. My luck the damn thing will be lurking in the corner just waiting for me to get back into the car! OK, OK...maybe that's just a little irrational but ya never know!
My fears are NOT irrational!!! The damn thing was waiting for me this morning. It was just sitting right there on the windshield. This time I won. I squished him!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Always Kiss Me Goodnight...and Goodmorning!
At 6am Tim woke up for work. He went about his normal morning routine and, just like every other morning since we have been together, he came over to my side of the bed, woke me up, kissed me and said "I love you. Have a good day." After he left I was laying there for a few minutes thinking about how lucky I am that he never forgets to kiss me before he leaves.
As soon as I get home from work, every-single-day, he puts his arms around my neck, kisses me and asks me how my day was. And, every night when we lay down to go to sleep, he leans over and kisses me goodnight. This is the case every day, regardless of how late he is for work, if he had a bad day or even if we have an argument before we go to bed.
As I laid in bed this morning thinking about this it really made me appreciate what a sweet gesture this is. It seems so simple. Something you wouldn't think twice about and would easily take for granted. But that simple kiss starts my day off with a smile, cheers me up after a long day and helps us to put our differences a side before bed and remember why we love each other.
This small gesture I have taken for granted is something many couple don't have. In the chaos of work, house keeping and kids, many people forget to show affection. I am so thankful that Tim remembers to take a second to bring a smile to my face in the midst of all the chaos! I hope that never changes.
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 12:47 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sleep? What in the hell is that? Oh right, that thing I use to do BEFORE I had kids.
So, It's Wed! I honestly think I could help slept the whole day away. Gavin had his 2 month check up last night and had 4 shots. Needless to say, he was not a happy camper! And, because of the damn Tylenol recall, I was not a happy Mommy.
The doctor warned us he may be a little fussy and have a low grade fever. She said to give him some infant Tylenol and he would be fine. Well this I knew from when Faith and Rock we babies. What I DID NOT know was that there was ANOTHER Tylenol recall. I stoped at the pharmacy on the way home, thinking I could run in real quick since the baby was screaming. NO!!! I get in the aisle with the children's fever meds and it completely cleared out. I had to drive all over the damn place to make sure I got something Gavin could take at only 2 months old.
When I got home Tim's mom was waiting for me because she was suppose to do my hair. We hadn't had dinner yet so while she was setting up I was running around like a crazy person trying to get dinner in the oven. I finally sat down to get my hair done at 7:00. Dinner was ready around 8. Which didn't help me much because my hair wasn't finished until 10:45. This is when I hate having extremely thick hair.
By the time I was done everyone was asleep. I threw a small plate of food together, shoveled it down as quick as I could and woke Tim up so he could head up to bed. I put a bottle on for the baby, changed him and attempted to feed him so we could all get some sleep. Well, he was so fussy and sleepy from the shots that he would only take half of his bottle. This, of course, meant that I was up every couple of hours the rest of the night because he would fuss but didn't want to eat. By his 6am feeding I was exhausted. He has been a good sleeper since he was born so I haven't had to adjust too much when it comes to getting up at night.
7am rolled around and I SHOULD have been getting ready for work. But, I ended up sleeping through my alarm and waking up at 8:10. Work starts at 8! I threw clothes on as quick as I could, grabbed the baby's stuff and dropped him off with my grandparents. When I got to work I had numerous messages with billing problems, complaints etc. On top of that, every customer I have talked to today has had the most complicated complaints imaginable. Didn't they get the memo that I had a bad night and I am exhausted?!?!
Well, I have 3 1/2 more hours of work. Let just hope the worst is over for today and I can go home and try to relax before doing it all over again tomorrow! A girl can dream right?
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 20, 2010
It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!
Its Friday! God how I love Fridays! Specifically, 5:00 on Fridays! For some reason Fridays always seem to be the most interesting day of the week. It's like all of the stress from the work week has driven people insane and their actions are for my pure entertainment.
My day started off with the drive into work. I notice that there were people setting up a beautiful flowered arch, aisle runner and chairs. It was pretty obvious this was for a wedding. BUT.....why the hell were they getting married on the front lawn of the abandoned insane asylum , with boarded up windows. Which, happens to also be right next to the rehab center. Wow! That just screams romantic to me! Who thinks to themselves "My dream wedding would be at the looney bin"? I wanted to stop and ask them about it but there was too much traffic and, quiet honestly, I couldn't stop laughing.
My work day is going by slow and it seems like everyone else has already checked out for the weekend. 5:00 can not come soon enough! I need to pick up the kids, go shopping and pack. We are heading to the shore this weekend for Tim's family reunion. The shore part I am totally excited about. The reunion part...not so much. It's not that I don't like his family...they are great. But, I hate attention. I would prefer to sit on the beach and relax. Of course that will not be the case. Everyone is going to oooo and ahhhh over the baby and the engagment ring.
I am also not looking forward to packing for 3 kids. I mean Faith and Rock are fairly easy...a bathing suit some extra clothes and we're done. But, Gav....uh...I forgot how much you need to lug around with a newborn. He needs atleast 3-4 outfits per day, just incase we have spit ups, blow outs etc...! We need to pack bibs, formula, bottles, diapers, binkys, a pack and play, the travel swing, a hat to keep the sun off his face and probably a crap load of other things! All of this equals a stressed Mommy before we even leave the house.
Then, we have the car ride. Which is about 2 hours. That will most likely consist of a lot of "mom, mom, mom , mom", "are we there yet", "how much longer"! Plus, it inevitably ends with the baby screaming his head off and Faith and Rock fighting over something silly like "he looked at me" or "Faithy took my (insert whatever toy is "his" at that moment)"! And Tim wonders why I am not jumping for joy over these little family trips!
All I can say is TGIF! But, just because the work week is over doesn't mean I'm not working!
UPDATE: The trip went surprisingly well! Beach Pics below!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Here I am...Take it or Leave it!
So, I guess this is the post where I describe myself and my life. HAHAHAH.....More like express to the world what a crazy life I have. Sorry, this will be long. But I think it's about time that I document some of my crazy experiences. Continue to read at your own risk. 99.9% of the stories I tell people about my life get the response "There is no way that really happens to people" or "You only see that in soap operas, movies etc...". Well this isn't a soap opera and it's definitely not a movie (hmm if it were I would probably have a lot more money). This is my life and if your reading this you can take it or leave it. Now I know the Internet opens you up to judgements and criticism but just know, from the get go, that I could careless what you think about me. I am who I am and no one's criticism is going to change that. Well, here it goes....
I am a proud mother of 3 and I am engaged to the love of my life, my best friend! My love life has been a train wreck and I feel absolutely bless to be where I am today. I met my fiance, Tim, 9 years ago. I was on a family trip to Sarasota FL to watch my youngest brother play football. One of the activities was a trip to Tampa to spend the day at Busch Gardens. I was, pretty much, wandering the park alone. My parents had gone off to sight see, my brothers were hanging out with their friends and going on rides and I trailed behind, by myself, not really knowing what to do. I finally asked my brothers to go see the monkey exhibit with me. Of course, they had no interest in going ANYWHERE with me. Out of no where I hear someone say "I'll go see the monkeys with you". I turned around and Tim was standing there. He was on the football team with my brother and, kind of, doing his own thing as well. And, he was so damn cute! We walked to the exhibit, had lunch and spent the day getting to know each other. We found out that we lived around the corner from each other so, we exchanged phone numbers and planned to hang out at the hotel that night.
When we got back to the hotel I put on my bathing suit and walked down to the pool to meet up with Tim. The pool was super crowded so we decided to take a walk on the beach. We ended up sitting on a life guard stand and admiring the waves and how clear the sky was. It was absolutely breath taking. Then, Tim turned to me and asked me to kiss him. WHAT!!! He was younger then me and friends with my brother! I mean having someone to hang out with was cool but kiss him? Was he serious? I said no but, he continued to ask. After hearing no three more times, he finally leaned over and kissed me anyway. I was taken off guard and, to my surprise, I liked it. I felt something I had never felt before. I fell in love!
Now this all sounds like a sweet, romantic story, but, this is me so it couldn't possibly go smoothly. We returned home and we did hang out but, I just couldn't bring myself to date a younger guy. I mean really, I was going into college and what would people think if I dated a high school guy? So, Tim and I remained friends (although, we both knew in our hearts the feelings were much deeper then that). I got back together with my ex-boyfriend, Dave, and life went on.
Several years later, Dave and I split up again. The first place I turned was to Tim for comfort, support, advise.... He was my best friend, the one man I could count on no matter what. We ended up attempting a relationship for a few months but it was very difficult with school and separate social lives interfering. So, in Dec. 2003 I, once again, got back together with Dave. About a month later I found out I was pregnant!
After a difficult pregnancy with preterm labor and best rest, Faith Nicole was born on Sept. 6, 2004 at 10:04 am. She was 7lbs 14oz and 21 1/2 in long. Dave was going to college in a different state so, for the next year and a half I was raising Faith on my own. In June 06 he finally moved home for good. But, that was just the start of our problems. He was self centered, degrading and verbally abusive. He didn't want to give up the college lifestyle and expected me to be the responsible one 24/7. So, I left him. He wouldn't move out of my house so, I was sleeping in my car. Tim, once again, came to my rescue. He offered to let me stay at his apartment until I got back on my feet. This infuriated Dave and he threatened to take Faith away from me. I was 21 years old. I had no idea how the legal system worked. All I knew is that I could not afford an attorney. So, out of fear of losing my baby, I went back.
On Feb 18, 2007 Dave and I were married. It was a beautiful wedding but, it defiantly wasn't the fairly tale, happiest day of my life, moment I had always dreamed of. I told myself that this is reality not a fairly tale. But, it just never seemed right. We never went on a real honey moon because Dave started the police academy the same week we got married. In May, we made settlement on a house and found out we were having another baby. And it all went downhill from there!
Dave graduated the academy in Sept 07. After that we barely saw each other. He worked steady midnight- 8am shifts and I worked 8am-5pm. In his free time he would hang out with his police buddies, which meant I wasn't allowed to go, or play football. Throughout my pregnancy, Dave would go out drinking and stumble in at all hours of the night. At about 7 months pregnant he went out at 6pm and didn't come home until 7am the next morning. NICE!!! 7 months pregnant with a history of preterm labor and he goes out drinking all night and leaves me home alone with a 3 year old!
At 8 months pregnant, things only got worse! Dave had gone to the gym and left his cell phone at home. The damn thing would not stop going off. So, I picked it up to turn the volume off. Well, that lead to me getting the biggest shock of my life! Naked pictures, countless text messages...I almost fell over. I called the number and the girl was shocked to find out Dave was married and that I was 8 months pregnant. She said she knew he was in a relationship but he told her he was leaving me after the holidays! OMG! Of course, when I confronted him, he told me shes a liar and that she was stalking him but that he wasn't reciprocating. Conveniently, he programmed his phone to delete all sent messages so, I could only see her side. You would think I would leave at this point but NO! Once again I was afraid for my children. Afraid to break up their home. Afraid they would blame me for leaving Daddy. So, I stayed.
Rockland Michael was born on Jan 19, 2008 at 12:09 pm. He was 7lb 7oz and 20 1/2 in long. After that, I was pretty much a single mother. While I worked 8am-5pm, my grandparents and parents would watch the kids. After work I would make dinner, clean, get the kids ready for bed and then wake up Dave so he could get ready for work. He would go to work around 10:30 and I would go to bed. We rarely saw each other and that was perfectly fine with me. I was miserable. I felt like a prisoner in my own house. He would degrade me, verbally abuse me, and on a few occasions, when he was drinking, put his hands on me. I felt like I was losing my mind and I had no idea where to go for help. Everything happened behind closed doors and when I would try to talk to my family they would say "oh it can't be that bad" and "marriages take work. It's never easy". But all I could think is there is no way that everyone else lives like this. I called the domestic abuse hot line a few times. They were supportive. They listened and gave me information but, after I would hang up I did nothing. I was afraid to leave. Afraid to be on my own. Afraid no one else would ever want me because according to Dave, I am fat and ugly and useless.
But, in May 09 I finally had enough! Dave came home from god knows where and I was laying on the sofa. My parents were watching to kids because my father had taken off work. So, after work I had two beers (MGD 64s aka WATER). The two empty bottles were on the table as well as a FULL bottle of percocet from surgery on Dave's leg the week before. Of course, Dave and I started arguing. At this point it was an almost daily occurrence, when we did see each other. I told Dave that I was done arguing and I was going out. He took my keys and my cell phone. So, I told him fine I'll just walk to my moms, its not that far. He stood at the top of the stairs blocking me from leaving. He dialed 911 from my cell phone and told the operator I was overdosing. The man is insane! When the cops arrived he would not go to the door. I answered and the cop said "Well you don't look like you are overdosing to me". I told him I most defiantly was not over dosing and that I simply had two beers THREE hours ago after work. I explained that my husband and I were fighting and he was trying to stop me from leaving. After the cops left I asked Dave why he would do this. His response sickened me. He said "I just thought it would be funny to see them pump your stomach".
After that I started staying with my mom when he was home. I left the kids with my grandparents and would only go home when he was not there. He asked me to stay and we talked about counseling but enough was enough. He had always degraded me and always been self centered. He had cheated on me countless times and I finally had enough. I told him I thought counseling was pointless if all he ever did was put on a good show with no real desire to change. On June 23, 2009 he moved out. It was like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders! I thought maybe now I could put his torments behind me! Of course, I would be WRONG!
On July 13 Dave filed for Divorce. On July 14 Dave came to pick up the kids from my grandparents house since I was working. I immediately received a call that he had a girl with him. I soon came to find out that this was the same girl he had been cheating on me with for quiet some time! AND she was married as well! In Aug I took the kids on our annual vacation to Busch Gardens VA with my family. The majority of the trip was spent on the phone with my attorney and arguing with Dave. He had broken into my house, broken into my mail box and harassed the secretary at Faith's school.
I returned home more stressed then when I left. On Aug 29 I received a call from the police while I was out shopping. They asked me to return home immediately. When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. All of my doors were wide open and the cops were searching my house with guns drawn. Apparently, the neighbors had called the cops because my ex husband was breaking into my house. As I walked through the house I was on the verge of tears. Everything was trashed! He had taken all of the TVs, the DVD player, my laptop, my jewelry (including a diamond ring I inherited my my aunt when she passed away), my safe, the children's birth certificates and social security cards, my birth certificate and passport, the grill, all of the food in my freezer and probably alot more that I don't even know about! My daughter asked why her Daddy was a thief. I wondered the same thing. How could you do this to your children? But, since the neighbors only saw his car in the driveway and no one actually saw him removing my belongings, I could not press charges. I immediately filed a Protection from Abuse (PFA) and Dave was put on desk duty and his gun was removed. I was terrified every night after that, wondering if he would come back. What would have happen if I was home. He broke in on a Saturday in the middle of the afternoon. He expected me to be home!
At the end of Sept Tim once again swooped in to become my knight in shining armor. He had just ended a 2 year relationship. We reconnected and leaned on each other for support. We quickly realized that the feelings we had were much deeper then the mere friendship we had established over the past 8 years. We were, finally, both single and had the opportunity to make another attempt at a relationship.
The PFA was in place until Nov. My attorney had convinced me to drop of the PFA for the sake of the children as the PFA only covered me and I still needed to send the children for visits. All pick ups had to be done at my grandparents house as Dave was not allowed to come near me. It broke my heart to send them after everything he had done to me. The PFA was offically dropped on Nov 2.
On Thanksgiving 09 Dave had picked up the kids at 9am. He was suppose to return them at 3pm. He showed up 2 hours late. I went out to get the kids and sent them in the house. I asked Dave why he always found the need to do whatever he wanted instead of following the agreements. Well, his girlfriend jumped out of the car cursing and screaming at me. I told her it was non of her business. Next thing I know Dave is yelling and screaming. He shoved me backwards, hitting me in the lip, and then grabbed me by the arm. I pulled my arm away and told him I was pressing charges and filing another PFA. My father had come out at this point and stood in between Dave and I so that he could not grab me again. Dave told his girlfriend to call the cops. When the cops arrived Dave flashed his badge and told them I assaulted a cop. I am standing there with a fat lip and bruises on my arms and chest. He had not one mark on him. Not to mention he is 6'5 and I am 5'3. I repeatedly told the cops that he had assaulted me. But, next thing I know the cops are slapping handcuff on me. I spent Thanksgiving in jail. When I was released I filed for an emergency PFA.
Christmas came ans went with no problems. And then January rolled around. Ahhhh January...as if I didn't have enough issues in my dysfunctional life. I found out I was pregnant! I know horrible timing right! But, not only that, I was almost 20 weeks! I had been on seasonique birth control and apparently, an anti- biotic I had taking in Sept and Oct for an on going throat infection had caused my birth control to fail! All I could think was YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! Tim, on the other hand, was beyond excited.
The next 6 months were pretty uneventful. I mean don't get my wrong, Dave was still an insane asshole but, there were no major blow outs. I dropped the PFA in March in exchange for Dave dropping the false charges against me. Big surprise, I kept my end of the deal....he didn't! I was getting pretty fed up with his lies and the emotional abuse and neglect he put the kids through. Faith would tell me that Daddy said she's fat or that Brittany told her that Mommy is ugly and that she looks just like Mommy. I mean how can you do that to a child. Every time they would come back there was another story about what Daddy or Brittany did or said to them. They also told me that they didn't sleep at Daddy's house. Apparently, Dave would leave them with his girlfriend's mother so he could go out. Faith said they would have to sleep on the floor and that Brittany and her mom are mean. Uuugghh....how do you protect your children from this when your hands are tied by a court order. So, I did the only thing I could do and hired a private investigator to document my accusations for court.
The investigators report was even more shocking then I had expected. They were allowing my 5 yr old to ride around in the front seat of the car. Leaving the kids with a neighbor they had only know for 1 month. Leaving the kids sit in the car while Brittany when in the bar "to have a few drinks". Are you kidding me....this is what he calls responsible parenting! My poor baby would cry every time she had to go with him!
On June 8 we went to court for the assault charge. The case was thrown out because Dave's statements and testimony did not match up with the police report and evidence. All charges were dropped. On June 21, 2010 Gavin Lee was born at 1:28 pm. He was 8lbs 10oz and 20 1/2 in long. Faith and Rocky were so amazed with the baby and I was adjusting to having a partner who actually helps out with the kids! Gavin has been such a good baby. He eats good, he sleeps good, and he doesn't cry much at all.
I am finally happy! Saying it wasn't easy is an understatement. Until this point, my life has been an uphill battle that I always lose. But, now I have someone in my life that truly cares. This is what a relationship should be...love, support, encouragement and enjoying each other. I am not going to sit here and tell you my life is perfect. I still battle with Dave on a daily basis. He still attempts to make my life a living hell. Me an Tim disagree on occasion ( but never like the fights I was accustom to...Thank God!). I have days were my kids drive me nuts. But, I can honestly say that I go to bed every night with a smile, laying next to the man of my dreams. And I wake up every morning thankful for what I have. 9 years ago I fell in love with my best friend. We had our ups and our downs. We had times we didn't speak and failed attempts at relationships. And after all this time I see that he is the one person I could always rely on to pick me up when I was down!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Why Not!
Yesterday I was at work, going through my normal routine (ya know, checking facebook, checking my email, uploading picture....normal work stuff!), when I came across some blogs from other moms. A few I know, most were just random blogs I happen to come across. My god was it enlightening. I realized that this whole virtual world was available to me and I had not been taking advantage of it. To add to that, I lost my voice on Sunday and have not been able to vent bitch to anyone in days. What a relief it would be to express my joy, frustration, sadness etc...online, without being interrupted. I mean, when did I get so content with simply browsing facebook instead of expressing myself. I can remember having countless online journals in high school and I also had a diary I would use to write or sketch. Every aspect of my life, good, bad or indifferent, was documented in writing. It was therapeutic. I would laugh, I would cry, I would get down right angry and when I was done it was like a weight would be lifted from my shoulders and I could move on. Why did I lose that desire to express myself through writing. Better yet, when did I lose the time to express myself at all. One simply answer....When I had kids! But, why does having kids me I should lose myself? If anything, being a mother has add new, more complicated, joys and frustrations to my life. Now, more then ever, is when I should be venting bitching in writing. I can only imagine the relief this would bring to the many people I spend countless hours on the phone with, simply to vent! I think about how many times I make 3-4 phone calls just to get a hold of someone who will listen to me when i need to get something off my chest. Why did I not think of this before! Well here I am! Lets just hope that this brings the same satisfaction as it did years ago!
Posted by Momma0f3~1662~ at 4:57 PM 6 comments