So yesterday was interesting. Faith woke me up and hour early because her throat and mouth were hurting. She was talking funny so I got her dressed, dropped the boys off with my grandparents, and took her to the doctor. Turns out she has 2 canker sores and a sore throat. The doctor thinks the canker sores may be from an iron deficiency (which is very likely since both Rocky and I are anemic). We were given a prescription for blood work and some magic mouthwash.
We stopped home, had some breakfast and headed over to get the blood work done. As we sat in the waiting room Faith was getting impatient waiting for her name to be called. When they finally called her back she lost it. She was shaking and freaking out. She had her arms wrapped around me so tight I thought she was going to choke me. I sat her in the chair, pulled out my cell phone and started flipping through pictures with her. This kept her occupied while the nurse inserted the needle. She didn't flinch or make a peep. But, a few seconds into drawing the blood she looked over, saw the blood going through the tube and lost it again. The nurse finished up and as we were leaving Faith says "Mommy that didn't hurt at all. I was just scared."
When we got home I pick up Rocky and Gavin. I got Gavin situated in his swing and Rocky was playing with his toys. I grabbed a q-tip, dipped it in the magic mouthwash and attempted to put it on the sores. Well, this is where all hell broke loose. Faith started screaming. The baby woke up and he started screaming. Then Rocky comes over, puts his hand over Faith's mouth and starts screaming at the top of his lungs "Mommy why you do this. Faithy no want medicine. Why you do this to her." Now I have three screaming children and, with the way they were shrieking, I'm pretty sure my neighbors thought I was beating them.

Just as I step out back I see Rocky standing with his legs spread, hose in his hand, aiming it point blank straight at the ground. I screamed "Rockland Michael put that hose down RIGHT NOW!" He looked up and gave me the biggest "evil Rocky" (see this post) face and pulled the handle. Water and mud flew everywhere.
don't you love how he is wear his Up To No Good shirt!
At this point I just gave up. Since he was already covered in mud, I hosed him off in the backyard before taking him in and cleaning him up. As I was doing this my mom called and asked if Faith and Rocky could come down to her house (she lives on my street). YES YES YES...Of course they can come down. I sent them both on their way and got a bottle ready for the baby.
He ate the entire bottle and be both passed out on the sofa. At some point during our nap Tim came home. I guess we looked really comfortable because when I woke up 3...YES 3...hours later he was laying on the other end of the sofa with the puppy curled up on his lap.
I really think I need 2 more sets of hands!
At least you did manage a nap- you needed it!
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